Sunday, February 1, 2009

Come what may and love it !!!

It is so amazing to me how when you really need to hear words of wisdom they are provided for you. I have not had the best of weeks this week and had been just downright ornery and depressed. I have always been one to know that things happen for a reason. But sometimes you can only take so much. Before enough is enough, and my temperature has been way past enough for several weeks now.
I woke up this morning very refreshed. It was a beautiful morning and was looking forward to the day ahead. As I got ready for church I just had a different feeling. I didn't know if it was the fact that I haven't slept more then four hours a night for the past 10 days. But I just felt better.
During Sacrament meeting people got up to bare their testimonies, which I always enjoy. I feel such a strong spirit and there is nothing that is more edifying to me then to listen to others share their personal testimony of the gospel. It gives me such strength to know that others have struggles, and fears, but have the knowledge that the lord is there for you when you need him.
When I went to Relief Society this statement was written on the board:

"Come what may and love it."

Tears immediately came to my eyes. Because I knew that everything I have been struggling with I was supposed to be struggling with. I know that things happen for a reason but I now know that things are supposed to be as they are.
As I listened to the lesson, the heaviness in my heart began to lift. I began to physically feel better and emotionally steady. I know that if have faith, the lord will be there for me during my times of struggle. I now that I am meant to be going through the trials that I am and that there is a lesson for me to be learning.
As I sit here this evening I have a sense of peace. I know that as I struggle through the things in my life, I am supposed to be struggling. That I need to accept those things and love them for what they are. I am so thankful that I have a Father in heaven who is there to guide and support me whenever I need it and that I can feel his love if I just open my heart and allow him in. I am grateful to have a testimony of the gospel and am so happy that I have the ability to share this knowledge with others.

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