Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A big huge case of the poor me's...

It is 3:3o and here I sit in my pajama's, hair uncombed, make-up remnants from yesterday still on my face. I feel like crap. Better yet I feel like I got hit by a truck.
I started feeling awful last week. I spent Saturday and Sunday in bed. Decided to drag myself to work on Monday, only to really regret it when I got there.
I scheduled a doctors appointment for Monday afternoon only to miss it because I was sitting in bumper to bumper traffic.
I was sitting in the best bumper to bumper traffic, my absolute favorite, no reason bumper to bumper traffic. I couldn't breath and rolled down my windows for fresh air only to have the guy next to me chain smoking the nastiest smelling cigarettes I have ever smelt.I kept glaring at him and he kept puffing away.
I call the doctors office and was kept on hold for 15 minutes only to be asked by the receptionist when she got on if I could hold a minute.
I got to the doctors at 7:45 for my 8:00 appointment. The waiting room was wall to wall sick people. I sat out in the hall on the stairs.
Finally got in to my 8:00 appointment at 8:45.
The nurse came in and asked what was wrong. I told her everything that was wrong from the top of my head to my toenails. She took my temp it was 102.
The doctor came in and told me I looked like crap ( He is allowed because I have known him since he used to play hot wheels with my little brothers) I glared at him and told him to fix me.
He said he wanted to test me for the flu and then disappeared.
Nurse came back to do the dirty work. Shoved a long Q-tip up my nose and into my brain. Told me I had to wait 30 minutes.
Once my germs were done cooking Doc came back and told me to go home, I may have the flu but they would not know till AM.
Went home and crashed.
Pulled myself out of bed and drove to work. 5 minutes before my exit, Doctor's office called and said I had the flu and to go home and get in bed.
Turned around, drove home and went to bed.
Slept and slept and slept.
It is now today and the only thing I can be thankful for is that I just have the flu and ...
Not the swine flu.

1 comment:

Alyssa McVey said...

Sounds like a super day. I hope you feel better soon.

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