Wednesday, October 14, 2009

More randomness...

1. First thing you wash in the shower? My Face
2. What color is your favorite hoodie?Yellow
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Sure will
4. Do you plan outfits every day?No I plan them all out on Saturday or Sunday for the week
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? Like I am going to throw-up, I hate antibiotics
6. What’s the closest thing to you that's red?My phone
7. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? Last night I dreamt we were at my Brother-in-Laws having dinner with my husbands family and his wife was mad and had locked herself in the bathroom until I left.
8. Did you meet anybody new today? I meet new people everyday.
9. What are you craving right now?Acorn Squash
10. Do you floss? Obsessively
11. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? Corn Beef
12. Are you emotional? I can be.
13. Have you ever counted to 1,000? No, Why???
14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? Depends on the form
15. Do you like your hair? Yes, I just colored it and I love it
16. Do you like yourself? No, I love myself
17. Would you go out to eat with George Bush? Oh, I would love to. I have many a things I would love to chat with old George about. But I would want Jr. there as well.
18. What are you listening to right now?Nothing
19. Are your parents strict? I do not think my mother new the meaning.
20. Would you go sky diving?Heck yes!!! That is where I am headed on my 40th birthday.
21. Do you like cottage cheese?Love it. I can only eat it in secret though. It makes Eric dry heave.
22. Have you ever met a celebrity?Yes, I met Della Reese at the airport. She is an amazing women. I met Robert Redford at Sundance. He has had way to much sun and I met Marie Osmond when I worked at best and my mom always said if I can't say anything nice...
23. Do you rent movies often? Never, I don;t ever watch them when I do.
24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in?My glitter toes
25. How many countries have you visited? 6 ~Mexico, Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, Canada
26. Have you made a prank phone call? When I was a teenager we would make them all the time.
27. Ever been on a train? Does the one at the Zoo count? Just kidding, yes I have been on several
28. Brown or white eggs? Doesn't matter
29. Do you have a cell-phone? 2~ one for work and a personal one
30. Do you use chap stick? Daily
31. Do you own a gun? No and never
32. Can you use chop sticks? Yes
33. Who are you going to be with tonight?My family at the gym
34. Are you too forgiving? No - I am not, this is a huge life trial for me!!!
35. Ever been in love? Yes
36. What is your best friend(s) doing tomorrow? Working
37. Ever have cream puffs? Yes, and they are amazing. The best ever are at La Caille
38. Last time you cried? Yesterday, while reading a friends blog
39. What was the last question you asked? Who just fell down the stairs?
40. Favorite time of the year? Fall
41. Do you have any tattoos? Nope. Almost, once but then came to my senses.
42. Are you sarcastic? To much
43. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?Yes,and I am afraid I have seen the second one and the made for TV one.
44. Ever walked into a wall? Yes, when we first moved. It was a middle of the night bathroom trip and I forgot where I was.
45. Favorite color?Yellow
46. Have you ever slapped someone? Yes, a guy who had asked me out over and over again. I finally gave in and went on a group date with him, next dayI met his wife.
47. Is your hair curly?Yes
48. What was the last CD you bought?Kenny Chesney- Greatist Hits
49.Do looks matter?It depends on the situation.
50. Could you ever forgive a cheater?Yes, everyone needs to be forgiven.
51. Is your phone bill sky high? Not at all.
52. Do you like your life right now? I always like my life, sometimes i do not like the things hapining in my life though.
53. Do you sleep with the TV on? If I am taking a nap in my living room.
54. Can you handle the truth? Yes, it might take a minute but eventually.
55. Do you have good vision? No, I am blind with out corrective lenses
56. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? Hate never, dislike yes, but not the person just their actions
57. How often do you talk on the phone? Several times an hour during the day.
58. What is your favorite TV show? House
59. What are you wearing? PJ pants and one of my 5K t-shirts
60.What is your favorite animal?I love my dog. But my favorite is frogs
61. Where was your default picture taken at? The North Rim of the Grand Canyon
62. Can you hula hoop?Yes
63. Do you have a job?I do, working with people with disabilities.
64. What was the most recent thing you bought? Insurance (A story for another day)
65. Have you ever crawled through a window?Many times

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