Tuesday, December 29, 2009

See ya....

Shout Out : I must first give a shout out to Shark Bait for the idea of posting the great idea of the Good Riddance. In New York they have places to post Good riddance items both small and large. It is a good way to get rid of the old for 2010.
So I have two items of to say good riddance to this year. One is all of the extra weight I have been carrying for so many years. I am sick of it and it is time for it to be gone. So with my new toy I got for Christmas.

(Thanks boys.)

I have no excuse. I am also planning on participating in one 5K a month this spring/summer as well as any fundraising walk/run offered.

The next good riddance is a little harder and a little more hurtful but it needs to be gone. I need to let go of this anger and pain I have towards my husbands family. I did really well last year in just not being involved. Not making contact for holidays, birthdays, etc. It worked I didn't get hurt and I wasn't upset all the time. That was until Thanksgiving when I broke down and sent out cards for Thanksgiving. Then the hurt started again. My mother-in-law wrote back. My husbands two sisters never even picked up their cards and my brother-in-law picked up is but no response back. Not a thank you, not a have a great day too. Nothing!!!!

So this year I am going to say good riddance for good. I am done trying to reach out for real this time. I am going to say good riddance. I have a strong testimony that one day we will be united together again, that all of this contention will no longer exist. I feel bad for my Mother-in-law that her children do not have enough love and respect for her to love one another. To want to be together as a family and to be a part of one anothers lives. But the knowledge that families are forever and that one day we will be together as a family once again needs to be enough. Constantly being hurt and disregarded is just too much.I need to stop doing this to myself.

So I pray that these two items take an exit from my life this year. I know with a lot of faith, and fasting, and praying on my part. I will do my best to make sure that they will.

What things will you be saying good riddance to?

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