Thursday, January 7, 2010

Guns are not Toys....

Our home is a gun free home. No squirt guns, no nerf guns, no cap guns. No real guns. I have always stood strong in my stance that guns are not toys and have never allowed Mason to "Play" with any toy guns.
Nothing makes me sicker then to see little boys pretending to shoot and kill on another. It truly makes me sick to my stomach to see that. I can just see them with real wounds, bleeding, and dying. I don't why it bother me so much but it does.
I have had debates and arguments over the years with many members of my family about this subject. Yes, Mason has picked up a stick and pretended it was a gun, and yes, Mason has built a gun out of Legos. However, my argument is and always will be a stick or a lego can be many other things as well. But a gun can only be a gun. So if I were to allow Mason to have a toy gun to play with what else could he do with it????
Now I am not Anti-gun, I believe that there is a use for fire arms and there is an appropriate time and place to learn how to use them.
Today that day finally came for Mason. For scouts they went to do firearms safety and learn how to shoot different kinds of guns. Mason was really apprehensive and called me after school about it. He said " I am a little scared Mom, but as you have always taught me I know guns are not toys so I will be very careful."
All I can say is that I am so thankful to know that he is listening to me!!!
The most recent data states that there were 29,569 gun deaths in the U.S:
16,750 suicides,11,624 homicides,649 unintentional shootings, 311 from legal intervention and 235 from undetermined intent.
-Numbers obtained from CDC National Center for Health Statistics mortality report online

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