Sunday, May 2, 2010

Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase....

~Martin Luther King Jr.

I always feel such a strong spirit during Fast and Testimony Meeting but today the spirit was even stronger then ever. I left that meeting today feeling much more spiritually stronger and edified then I have felt in a really long time. It was one of those days that every one that spoke, every word that was said, touched my heart deeply.

Each and every person that spoke had a direction towards Faith. Having faith in the Lord. Trusting that he will get you through the storms of life and provide direction in times of need. I really needed to hear these words today. We have so many changes coming up in our family. So many things that by having faith in our Heavenly Father will sustain us.

Although there are many quotes and scriptures about faith from leaders in the LDS church; I like how simply faith is explained in this quote by Dr. King.

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