Friday, June 11, 2010

Weekly update of a Drama Queen....

I have decided that there is no other way to put it. It has been one of those weeks that I am grateful it is over. Next week IS going to be better. Well better except for the possible MRI, but we shall see about that.
Monday~ Began with heading to the hospital for yet another test. I have never been good under anesthetic and I wasn't looking forward to this one. When they got me into the O.R.,I asked what they were going to use to sedate me. The nurse said Versed. I told them I could not have Versed because I have an Extremely (understatement of the century) reaction to it and I had already written and told everyone that over and over again.
(Of coarse, I am being sweet as can be because I am fasting and it as not as much the eating thing as it is the drinking thing. Since psychologically what you can't have you have to have. Plus it is going on Noon and by that time I am usually on my 2 gallon of water by then.)
Anyway, they get me another medication and off I go. In and out in one hour. No problems, what do they find but no problems. So now we are on test number two, $1600 later and nothing is wrong. So why do I feel like crap....
Tuesday ~I report 5 hours early because one of my guys has an appointment I need to make sure he gets to. Shortly before I take him I am told I cannot leave the building because the Health Department has called and one of our employees has a communicable disease. The entire building has been exposed and we are not allowed to leave the building and will all need to begin treatment immediately. So no reason to come in early. I could have stayed home in bed.
Wednesday~ Spent four hours in a Mandatory training only to discover that I didn't really need or have to be at the training. Had to stay at work to catch up on everything I couldn't get done while I was in said training.
Thursday~ Received a death threat from an employee who was terminated. So we ended up having to lock down our building. (Thus causing me to miss my six-month dental appointment which makes me really cranky.I know that's petty but I love to have my teeth cleaned and I now can't get back in for another three weeks.) I finally go to get into my car to leave for the day and found that it had been tampered with to lure me out of my vehicle.I had to pull my car clear up to the building and call the switchboard while they had someone come and escort me in. Once the detective got there they fixed my car so I finally could go home.
Friday~ Got to listen to joke after joke about people not wanting to stand next to me, for me to stay away from window, etc, etc, etc. Opened my email to learn that another employee will be terminated Monday and now the jokes that I will have a mob waiting in the parking lot for me have stared. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Things are going to get better I know it. I have been so negative I decided I need to include something positive.

Eric wrote his family to ask that they not give out our info and we actually got a response back from his sister. Progress, right??? I actually have been able to eat more then Popsicles. YAY!!!

Double J's Ranch has a plan and is on its way. It will be headed to investors by the end of the month. Which means this city girl, could be going country in a short while. Even the wildest of dreams can come true. (I promise I will detail post about this later, I just don't want to curse it right now.) So I guess that for all the negativeness and complaining there are some positive things going on. When you feel so bad it seems to just be easier to focus on the bad.

So that is all for this Drama Queen this week, next week I am going back to normal old Jenn. I promise.!!!

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