Sunday, June 13, 2010

What part of MOVE did you not get....

For years (and this is not an exaggeration) I have been annoyed by this mysterious person who parks in the disabled parking spot at the gym.This annoys me for so many reasons.
#1They have NO plates or placard hanging in there car stating that they have any reason to need to park in this spot.

#2They are at the GYM for heck sakes. Do they need to park next to the door? Isn't going to the gym about getting exercise?

Yesterday was my day though. I finally got to meet this person. I was sitting in my car, fiddling answering a text, when all of the sudden, there she was- My mystery person. I watched her closely, this Nemesis of mine. I have missed catching this person for years and here she was a live person.

She began to get out of her car and I caught her attention. I said, very nicely mind you,"Mam, I don't know if you noticed but you parked in the disabled parking spot. You probably want to move."

She looked at me and said,"Does it really matter, it's not as if any crippled people come to the gym anyway."

That did it!!!Really Crippled People? Is this the 1950? No more being nice. I said," Well, you either move or I am going to call the police and have them come and give you a ticket."

In return she said, " Why don't you just move your fat a** to your car and mind your own business."

My reply, " Run along sweetheart, I hope we get to meet again. Maybe next week?and by the way yes I do have a fat a**. Why do you think I am at the gym? I guess that's why your here too, although I get in a few more steps because I walk across the parking lot to get in.You have a great workout! "

I called the police and they actually came right down and issued her a ticket. I was shocked they did that. They must have either been tipped off by the gym that there where two women having a fight in the parking lot or it was a slow day.

All I know is I was ecstatic that I finally, after years I was able to get that off my chest. I imagine I won't be seeing her parking there anymore. But if I do....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go! I love it when justice is served. :)

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