Saturday, July 24, 2010

Weekly update with Jenn Jam...

I thought I would send out a quick update while I am waiting for the Lortab to kick in. (More on that later)
After working two 15 hour days Friday and Saturday. I was hoping Monday would be a normal day. That was not meant to be. It ended up being another 15 hour day. That's okay though, it allowed for a 4 day holiday weekend. Yeah!!!
Tuesday, Guido and I went to our favorite place. The dentist!!! It is time to start the braces process for Guido, so he will have teeth pulled next week and YAY!!! for sealant, all his teeth are now protected. I sure wish that was around when I was his age.
We are so blessed to have double coverage dental insurance. I needed to have about $2,400 worth of work done and the grand total is going to be $25.00.
Thursday, I spent the morning in the dentist chair. As I stated in an earlier post, thank goodness for modern medicine. I used to have to be sedated for cleanings, now I sit and watch them work on my teeth in a mirror. Three root canals, two crowns, and an unexpected bone graph later, I now look like a "Who from Whoville" but am told the swelling will be gone in about a week.
Friday was our annual Pioneer Day Pool Day. There is not a better place to relax and re-cooperate then sitting by the pool with a cool drink, a nice painkiller, and a good book.
Today has been fun-filled as well with the parade and fireworks but more on that later.

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