Saturday, July 31, 2010

You have nothing to fear, except when you listen to your mother....

Guido had a dentist appointment on Tuesday to have some teeth pulled, and get ready for braces. I have talked before about how I have my own personal issues with the dentist. But I have tried to be very careful about allowing my issues to rub off on my son. I have gone from being fully sedated for cleanings to letting Guido watch me get my teeth cleaned. Good Mom, right? I sure hope so because I hate ever minute of it.

So Tuesday morning I am being "strong" and he is so nervous, he is throwing up.This is so strange for him, he has never, ever had any problem with dental work before. I called our Doctor to see if she could call in a prescription for the same medication she gives me when I go in for dental work. Since what I take is really strong she wanted to just give him something to take the edge off and gave him Xanax instead. Well, it worked wonders. Except for the fact that Guido wouldn't stop talking for one second, even with the bite block in.

Before the dentist put the block in he asked Guido why he was so nervous this time. Guido spits out, "Because my Mom hates you, Last week before her appointment with you she went on and on for an hour about how much she hates you, coming to see you, having to have work done, how much it hurts....."

I don't even remember saying anything like that. Although I wouldn't because I was all pre-sedated getting ready to go to the dentist. I am so glad Dr. Bret knows I love him and luckily that was nothing I haven't told him before.

Now I am going to have to work on Guido and his fear of the dentist. Dr. Bret suggested maybe I have my next root canal cold turkey, and let him watch how brave I am. Funny... but I don't think so.

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