Friday, September 17, 2010

How I became friends with my husband's girlfriend....

and other random going ons.....
Guido is maintaining his straight A's. Yes I know we are only 3 weeks in, but I am still proud. He is taking some tough classes.
My cousin's two year old kept coming into the house for watermelon. After three big pieces in 5 minutes I thought he was eating them really fast. I went to see what he was really doing with them and found all three pieces and a huge peaches in with their guinea pig.
Enjoyed having my grandmother spend the weekend with us. Eric loves spending time with her, Guido loves to shop with her, and I love to cook with her.
The mountains are beginning to break out in beautiful color. I love that I can look out my kitchen window and see nothing but the beautiful mountains.
I was so said that Labor day did not allow for one last pool day"BOO" but that goodness "St. George is just 5 short hours away.

And now for the story you came for.....

Eric's first true love and I are now Face book "friends."Eric finally decided to hop on the "Face book" bandwagon. He came across his old girlfriend though one of his friends sisters. So he friended her. He being the wonderful husband he is not only asked permission, but let me read the emails and messages they had sent back and forth getting reacquainted. She has had an amazingly hard life. Which makes me love my husband all the more and be thankful that he is devoted to me. She asked him how I was taking their talking and emailing. She wanted me to know that she would stop communicating with him if I wanted it to be that way. I am not a jealous person nor am I worried about Eric running off with his first love. So I sat down, messaged her and let her know that I would be more then happy for her and Eric to be friends and who knew maybe she and I could be friends as well.I then "friend"requested her. Which she accepted shortly there after.

According to my husband, "Pigs are flying." I thought we would have many stories to share.We already have more then you can imagine on common.

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