Saturday, March 26, 2011

Growing up....Guido style

The boy turned 15 on Sunday. In the past year he has grown up so much, but in the past few months he has changed. Not only physically but I am noticing other little changes. That make me smile and make me cringe.
He got his braces on March 3rd.I think I may be totally grey by the time these two years are done. He broke off a bracket 30 minutes, yes less then half of an hour after we left the orthodontist office. Most kids go the entire time without breaking off any. We are at two in two weeks. It is my fault though. He is a fiddler and gets it from his mother. Whenever I have stitches or anything of the sort in my mouth I fiddle and play with them until they are gone. So braces would never have happened. Luckily I never needed them.
He just measured at 6'0" and wears a size 12 shoe. It is insane. I tease him I am going to have him start smoking to stunt his growth. Because once he hits a 13 shoe size that's it he will have to start wearing the ugly custom made orthopedic shoes. No nice looking Toms, Sunuks, or Converse for him.
He made his first comment about a girl. Actually this girl...
Eric and I were watching American Idol when he came into the living room. He stopped and said. "Wow, she is only 15." He then kept watching while she sang and they judged her. He never watches American Idol.
He came upstairs around 9 ish last weekend and asked if he could go hang out with his friends. I asked how he was going to get there. He said"Oh, Jordan will come get me. He got his license today." I have to say my stomach turned a little, actually a lot. All of his friends have their learners permits, 2 have their drivers licenses. I know its a passage of life but I just want to skip that step at least until he goes to college.
His Grandmother Rose went into the hospital for knee replacement surgery this week. He asked if he could help pay to send her some flowers.
 He had the option to go wherever he wanted to for dinner and he once again chose our favorite Japanese place.We were joined by Mike and his family, Nana and Grandma Sherrie, and Aneliese and Katyana. They were excited that he had chosen to celebrate his special day there. I think he has gone there for his birthday for the last five years and of course treated him like a king.

Not too old to play with fire, and notice they gave him and extra bottle of Martinelli's to take home all for himeself
Guido's are to cool to smile
Me and my handsome men
So my Guido turned another year older. He has changed so much from 14 to 15. I cannot imagine what the next year will bring.

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