Sunday, May 22, 2011

What's a gal to do.....

I was so sad when I began mapping out my 5K schedule for the year and saw that 4 of the usual ones I do were all on the exact same day. But I knew there wasn't an option the decision wasn't going to be too hard. Guido has decided that he is going to start participating with me in the runs and I figured I would pick a good one for his first. So yesterday we strapped on our running shoes and headed to Liberty Park for the 17th Annual Run, Walk and Roll.
Guido was so funny because we got started little late because we were waiting for my friend Janine and as we started to get up speed and pass people, they would call my name. I can't even begin to count how many people I knew but it was funny because Guido said, "Gosh mom we would have finished the race in about half the time had you not known about everyone." Well, I didn't know everyone but I did get to spend some time with some really good friends.
My friend Brooke, whose son actually has a brain injury, works for the Brain Injury Association of Utah. She is an amazing women and has spent her life giving back to this wonderful organization. So of coarse when it came down to choosing the race to run I had to pick the one nearest and dearest at heart.
Me and my Guido after the race....

Me, Brookie, J-9, and Kimmie...
It was such a beautiful day. The weather couldn't have been more amazing. Perfect actually. It was so nice to see people I hadn't seen in years and I loved to sit and just giggle with friends. I especially loved that one of these friends I haven't seen in over 15 years yet we picked up like I saw her everyday.
I love that. I love giving back to an amazing organization, I love the rush you feels after completing a race, and I love that my Guido wants to take part in it all.

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