Sunday, May 15, 2011

You must be competing with my husband.....

We are a barbequing family. One of those families that if there is not a blizzard going on we will throw something on the grill. However the grill we have is old, 20 maybe 30 years old. The lid is broken so we have to prop it open when we cook and only part of the burners still stay lit. But because it still works we haven't replaced it. 
My brother was telling me last week how he was on his way to pick up a grill he got an amazing deal on for a raffle his daughter was having at her Spring Ice-Skating performance. I jokingly told him to pick me up one while he was at it.He said he would if he could and we joked about how ghetto our grill was. 
Fast forward to yesterday....
I walked into my niece's skating competition with one thing in mind. WINNING the Grill. I purchased $20 worth of tickets. I figured when I won the grill it would be worth it and if not it was a great donation to my niece's Skating club.
As I was filling out my tickets a women walked over to me and said, "You must be in competition with my husband. He is determined to win this grill." I smiled and told her to tell him good luck. I filled half the tickets out in Guido's name and half in mine. As I put them in I told my sister-in-law what the women had said and she said,"Oh, yes no competition though they have bought $150 worth of tickets." I thought crap there go my chances, as I bent the rest of the tickets I put in the jar in half. I jokingly told Jenne, " I don't care how much they spent I am still winning that grill. The ghetto grill needs to be retired." We laughed and joked about our poor old grill.
We watched the performance and I actually forgot about the raffle. Then came the time for the drawing. I told my brother to go down and pull my name out of the jar. He said, "It's not going to happen. Some of these families put several hundred dollars worth of tickets in that jar." I told my brother as hard as they were struggling to read that name it had to be ours and sure enough they said it, "Guido Jamalkowski." Of coarse slaughtering the last name.
But we had done it. I had walked in there determined to win that grill and we had walked out of there the proud owners of this....
I am so excited and cannot wait until my little brother delivers it. It was well worth the $20.

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