Saturday, December 3, 2011

Weekly Update with Jenn Jam....

Black Friday or should we say Black Thursday was quite eventful. I never thought I would have to use my restraint skills from work while shopping but my goodness did they come in handy. It is sad to say that this year I have seen the lowest of the low in the human species. I walked or should I say limped away with two broken toes. I saw a pre-teen boy punch a grown woman and then steal her blue-ray, while his mother cheered him on. It was all shocking.
But then I saw him....

I wasn't hallucinating, I wasn't on drugs. There walking into the store, was the cutest young man. All dressed up in a "Buddy, the Elf" costume. I walked up to him. smiled and told him how much I loved it. I was so sad that my phone was dead or I would have snapped a picture. What a cute kid and a great personality. He said he just wanted to get some laughs and smiles out of people.
I had to say goodbye to one of my cousins this week. She had enough of this life and could bear no more. It is so sad for the three little ones that she left behind. However, they have so many people that love them and want to care for them, they are in good hands and she is not hurting any more.
I got to speak to my sister this week. It was so nice to be able to talk with her. That is something that I have missed so much. We normally talked on the phone almost every day. So not having talked with her for three weeks has been hard. Even at group we are not allowed to "talk" so it is hard. We were able to chit-chat. Even if it was only for 10 minutes it was great. I miss her and can't wait to have her home and healthy and back to herself.
My sister-in-law called and said that her trampoline had blown away during the giant wind storm going on up North. She found it today....four yards away. All four of my friends fences blew down, and my niece couldn't get to work because there was a huge pine tree laying in front of her car. All they could do was sit and watch. It's amazing how small we all are in comparison to Mother Nature.
Christmas has come to the Jamo's home it just hasn't found its way out of the boxes yet. I better get on it we have our annual Gingerbread house decorating next week. Pictures to be posted for updates =c)

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