Sunday, January 29, 2012

Weekly update with Jenn Jam.....

Guido has a dilemma in health class. The teacher is making all of the boys do push-ups every time one of the girls stands up and puts her homework in the basket. I told him he should do one of two things. Either when he gets to class, immediately walk around and collect all of the girls assignments for them and put them in the basket or when one of the girls stands to put her assignment in the basket jump up and ask if he can take it up there for her. I think she is teaching a lesson in chivalry, sexual discrimination and the battle between the sexes. I think it would shock her if a teenage boy actually did something like that. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. His friend Calvin said they did pushups the entire semester for the same reason, so she never relents.
I had a job interview this week for a promotion at work. I had to take a timed Excel test. It was insane because they had an ergonomic mouse at the computer. You had 15 minutes to take the test and it took me 5 minutes to figure out how to use the mouse. I got through the test and felt much better when I heard the next girl in tell the person running the test, " I think the mouse doesn't work." I had a call back for a second interview.
I hate being sick. It makes me a little crazy, actually it makes me a lot crazy. One of my staff asked to borrow my building keys. Then when I went to leave for the day. I couldn't find my keys. I looked everywhere. then I had my staff looking everywhere. Then the nurse looking everywhere. No luck. I spent 30 minutes searching for them because it can be a danger if certain individuals get a hold of them I alerted the charge person. Looked for another 10 minutes and finally gave up. Telling my staff to please call if they found them. I hadn't even walked through the door at home when one of them called saying, "Don't you remember loaning them to Josh." Oh of coarse now I did!!! What a bone head. I was so glad they found them though at least I didn't have to spend the weekend worried about where they might have ended up.
I have been racking my brain for something to give my niece for he shower but just really couldn't think of anything. I finally decided to go the practical route and give her something that she needed for the wedding. She really wanted to put disposable cameras on all of the tables so that people could take candid shots during the reception. So I purchased the cameras for her. Thinking that was boring, I thought I would throw in something fun so I bought her some "Love Dice." Now here she is opening gifts in front of the Great-Grandmothers, Grandmothers, Great Aunts etc, and she comes to mine.  As she opens it she says " Look, Love dice and a whole bunch of cameras." I just a bought died and explained they were not meant to be used together. =c)

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