Sunday, February 19, 2012

We love Katie and Katie's in love.....

What more can I say!!!
Katie and Lorin
No bride can get along without a Minky!!!

Me and sweet Katie Bug!!!
No shower is complete without Georgetown cupcakes, Thanks Cheyenne and Islam!!!

Yummy, chocolate dipped strawberries.
The bride diving in to the wonderful food.
Getting ready to play the "Who said it "Game

Me and my sister's

"Sweet Hailey Toe's "
Me, Britt, Kimmie, and T
"Sarah Bear "
Katie, Nana and the Great Aunt's Doreen, Bonnie and Zara
Back Row: Me, Aunt Doreen, Aunt Bonnie, Aunt Zara, Nana, Mitzi, Grandma Sherrie Front Row: Katie, Melanie, Kimmie, Tina

Probably the cutest wedding present ever!!!

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