Sunday, April 21, 2013

This was one of those weeks when you turned on the news and say "Oh my gosh, What else?" It is hard to see such suffering but it makes me even more thankful for the blessings in my own life. It makes me make sure to not take for granted a moment of time and to treasure each and every moment.
Many people were questioning humanity. My thought is why?
Mahatma Gandhi said,
 "You must not lose faith in humanity.
 Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, 
the ocean does not become dirty.

The world is not bad, sometimes there are bad things done in this world acted out by confused or hurting people. It also doesn't make those people bad. there is a different. Not bad people, bad actions.
Heavenly father loves all of his children. He is not selective. He loves us all. Not necessarily our actions.
We all need to remember this.
My prayers go out to all of those people that need them. All of those that are hurting or suffering in some way. and all of those families that have lost loved ones in Boston, and Texas, and China, and ....

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