Saturday, December 27, 2008

Newest Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Kenya took a big step in her life last Saturday and made the decision to become a member of the church. I normally would just give a shout out but I wanted to share how special her baptism was. My little brother Christopher is second counselor in their ward so they asked if some people investigating the church could come and participate in the baptism. The missionaries gave a wonderful talk as well as the bishop. As I watched this little family I could see a light in there eyes as they listened to what was being said. Kenya went up to the couple after the closing prayer and thanked them for coming. The women gave Kenya a big hug and thanked her for sharing such a special day with them. The entire interaction was so sweet and this little family was so appreciative to be a part of this day.
During the elders discussion they challenged the kids to hand out Books of Mormon to people they knew. Mason leaned over to me and said he had several people he would like to give them to. That may me so proud of him that he is so eager to spread the words of the church with others.

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