Thursday, December 11, 2008

You have to love PBS kids

I have discovered that each of my nieces and nephews have something that reminds me of Mason in them and today was no different. I was watching my brother's two children today. His two year old Avery was chattering away talking about everything and anything she was seeing. This is something that Mason always did. He would be chatting along and suddenly say something profound and then continue chattering away. Mason was a PBS kid. When he was really little we never had all of these Nickleodeon, Disney, Nogin, Channels. We had PBS Sesame Street, Arthur, and the oh so fabulous Zoboomofoo. Mason loved Zoboomafoo, he would stop whatever he was doing if he even heard anything similar sounding to see if it was his favorite show.
Avery was watching Zoboomafoo today, and it prompted this memory...
Mason and I were outside our house in Salt Lake. I was working in the yard and Mason was playing trucks in his sand box. He was chattering away, talking to his cars, the bugs, and everything around him. Suddenly a cat came flying over the fence, Mason looked up at the cat watched it jump down, run across the yard and jump up onto the fence and into a tree in our neighbors yard. He looked at me, said " Look at the lemur go" and went back to his business. Me being in shock that a two year old was talking about a lemur asked him what it was he just said. He gave me his "Whatever mom" look and said "That leaping lemur it just ran through our yard."Then went back to his cars.
When I heard that theme song today it immediatley triggered that whole scene in my head and made me smile. I told Mason about it and he just gave me that "Whatever Mom" look. Which made me smile even more.
I cannot even tell you how much I treasure those moments. There is nothing in this world more precious. I am so grateful that I am able to share them here with you and be able to preserve them to be read at some later date and time.

PS. This is my Friday- Flashback Post for tommorow. I am trying to be overly efficient and get my Fridays checklist started early. I wish(: Really I just have appointments all day.

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