Saturday, December 13, 2008

Fabulous New Childrens Entertainment Found!!!

Around 5:30 last night my Mom said that the moon was going to eclipse. My two nieces(Chris' girls) and Mason began a deep discussion about what an eclipse was. I added in information as needed such as how the moon gets really bright and then starts turning red. So for the next four hours these children did nothing else but watch the moon, and watched it, and watched it. We went to Salem to visit my Aunt and Grandmother. I was hoping the kids would enjoy the lights around the pond. No, they were fighting over who could sit on the side of the car that you could watch the moon. When we got to the pond we needed to hurry because there were to many trees blocking the view of the moon. When we went to dinner we had to sit in a seat near the window so we could be able to see the moon.
When we got home the three of them wanted to sit in my bedroom window, where they could have a perfect view of the moon. They sat there for over an hour and half, watching- The Moon. I would here comments of "Look it's starting to change color, or I see it getting darker."As well as, " When is it going to happen Aunt Jenny and those news people lied Mom are you sure they got the right day?" Well the clouds got really thick and blocked out the moon. Thank goodness because I was wanting to go to bed. This morning when they woke up, at 6:30, they all ran outside to find the moon again and were all upset because they had missed the eclipse. They seemed to be satisfied with the fact that they would have missed it anyway because of the clouds. But oh my goodness, what intense fascination.

So I got thinking, my goodness if there was any way to market Lunar Eclipse' I could retire. Although I do not know if all children would be as fascinated as they were. (The kids in our family are a bit on the eccentric side, to say the least.) But it was a good learning experience for them and it was great to listen to them all chattering for hours about it. Not a TV on or a video game in sight. I askled them what they thought the pioneers thought when the moon eclipsed and how cool it was because they were doing the same thing that the pioneer children probably did many years ago. It's funny because Mason is so fascinated with what people did in "The Olden Days." So it is cool when he gets to have the opportunity to experience it first hand.

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