Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Laugh at your self and you will never ceased to be amused

So I am at the gym this morning doing the usual workout. I had just finished my 30 minutes on the elliptical and was switching over to the treadmill. The gym was packed, (it always is this way until about the end of January, you know those resolutions(:)and there was only one treadmill open except that it had a jacket laying over the side. I hopped on anyway and looked at the guy next to me and asked if this was his jacket, of coarse I knew it was but wanted to give him a chance to move it before I did. He said, "Oh yes, sorry", gave me a somewhat nasty look and moved the jacket. He was a young guy, probably in his early 20's. He was what I consider to be the definition of a Mormon- Metro sexual, had his BYU t-shirt on, oddly tan for mid January, perfect white teeth, perfect hair, manicured nails. I am sure you know the type.
I started my workout when in walks Workout Barbie. Now this is the girl who comes to the gym in full hair and makeup. Matching outfit from head to toe, this includes the shoes to the fingernails, and lets not forget the IPOD that matches the outfit. ( Now my question with this is whether you buy IPODs to match each outfit or you buy outfits to match the IPOD) She perches herself in front of us on the stair-stepping machine. I look over and notice Mr. Metro checking her out. He probably is figuring out how to make his move to go ask her on a date.
So the workout continues, I am working out, Mr. Metro is working out, and Workout Barbie is working the Stair-stepper with all the passion of a slug. When all of the sudden Barbie's phone rings, she goes to grab it and falls off the Stair-stepper. She looks around to see who has seen this spectacle as all of the Muscle Heads rush to help her.
I looked over at Mr. Metro, I was surprised that he wasn't the first one to her aid. When I see that he is laughing. I was shocked because I was laughing inside, but also biting my tongue to keep from smiling. He looked at me, smiled, and said something. I took out my headphone and asked him what he said. He smiled again and said "I sure hope she didn't break a nail." This cracked me up because I was thinking the same thing. I turned to go put my headphone back on when I accidentaly grabbed the emergency stop cord and totally biffed it. I was so embarrassed but in my mind I visually was picturing Workout Barbie and started to uncontrollably laugh. Mr. Metro offered me his hand to get up and asked me if I was okay. I grabbed his hand and he started cracking up, I joined in as I looked down and noticed that I had broke a nail.


Devon said...

I love this! It makes me feel good to know I'm not the only one that does things like that!

Jen - Queen of Poo said...

Oh that's hilarious! Nice background!

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