Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What is a spankfest???

I have forgone Wordless Wednesday today for a story that I would love to share.
Mason and I were coming out of the store yesterday. There was a women walking out ahead of us who was screaming at her little girl. She put her daughter in the car, pretty much slamming her into her car seat and continued to scream at her going on and on telling her to shut up and if she didn't shut up she would give her something to cry about. She said, "She and her were going to have a little spankfest right there in the parking lot."
Mason and I started to put our groceries in the car. I was trying to hurry as my temperature was rising, it was taking everything I could muster not to say something to this ignorant, abusive, bully of a women. Mason kept looking at me and then looking at the little girl. I was shocked when he walked over to the women and interrupted her. He said " Excuse me mam but could I take your cart back for you" She stopped looked at him and quietly said " Sure, Thank you and looked at me and said what a polite young man you have raised." I bit my tongue and as tears ran down my face got into my car and waited for my polite little boy to return. I was so angry I wanted to scream at this women but chose the better path. I got in my car and wrote down the description and license plate number of her car.
When Mason got back in the car he looked at me and said "I love you, Mom." I told him "I love you too and thank you for taking the cart back" I then asked him why he had taken the ladies cart back. He said, " Well I thought maybe if I did something nice for her, she would stop being mean to her little girl, besides I do not know that I wanted to see a spankfest. Whatever, that is."
I have to say that I am so proud of how my little boy is growing up. He is so compassionate and caring for others. My heart is not only filled with pride but also gratitude. I am so grateful that I have been given such a sweet spirit to raise here on this earth. I am so grateful that I have been able to bring my son up without having to use physical and mentally threatening tactics in order for him mind or follow instruction, and finally I am so grateful to have a good friends that work at the Department of Child and Family Services, who can pay a little visit to said women.
I realize that sometimes people can lose control and just because they are screaming at their child in public doesn't necessarily mean that they are abusive in the home. But you know I will sleep better tonight knowing that I may have made a difference in that little girls life, maybe there would never be a spankfest, and just maybe that women will think twice about screaming at her daughter in public again.

"Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter"
- Martin Luther King Jr.

1 comment:

Redhoodoos said...

Wow!! It is soo hard to see people speaking that way to their kids. Good for you and Mason for taking action!

I'm intrigued by your blog. I'm on my way to work, but I'll be back!

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