Saturday, January 10, 2009

What to do with "the mood" . . .

So, like so many other people it seems, I have been in that after Christmas, tired and ornery all the time funk. Which is part of my reason for missing my Flashback Friday post yesterday. My mom always said if you can't say anything nice... I figured this applied to writing as well. I got thinking about why it is that I am in such a mood. What it is that is so exciting and luring about the holidays that it causes me to be in such a rut afterwords? I am happy to say I figured it out. I am the type of person that looks to the future. I always seem to have something big going on to plan for, focus on, and release nervous energy towards. I had not settled on what that was yet, everything seems so far away.
I was cleaning off a bookcase when I picked up this book. It hit me like a ton of bricks. This is just the little pick-up I needed. I would recommend that anyone interested read this book. I have read it several times and have always enjoyed it immensely. She has another book called Finding the Angel Within which I have purchased but not yet read.
Back to my pick me up. Several years ago I got it in my head that I was going to run the Maui Marathon the year I turn forty. The trainer that I work out with at the gym thought I needed to put in some steps to that goal and one of them is to start participating in 5K's. So after reading this book I found out that Pam Hansen has a Running with Angels- Run/Walking 5K every year. So last summer I called my best friend to see if she wanted to join me and she and I walked the 5K.
Now I am not the smallest of people but for my size I am probably more physically fit then people 2X smaller then me. I am an active person. I walk daily, go to the gym regularly, and am usually going from the time I wake up until I hit the bed at night ( I have too much nervous energy) So of coarse I thought 5K big deal I can do it no problem. But I didn't know there was such a difference between trails, treadmills and walking on the cement. I thought I was dying, that someone was stabbing me in my shins and that my torn hamstring was going to rip into pieces. But I did it, I thought about giving up but I didn't, Aneliese got me through it and she doesn't know this yet but she will get me through again. This time I am going to be a little more pro-active and start walking on the cement and streets more.
So my new focus - Saturday May 16th, 8:00am
Running with Angels
and of coarse, I will keep you posted (:


Devon said...

Go Jenn! And this time you both get prepared to run it! You will be sooo amazed at how good you feel. If I could get there, I would be there with you!

Jenn said...

Thanks Devon! I am so looking forward to it. I also figured out I have 975 days to get ready for Maui so I better get started now.

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