Sunday, February 15, 2009

Are you talking to me ...

Eric and I have only been in this ward a few months, well really four. Our ward here is incredible they are so eager to make everyone feel welcome and included. We go to church regularly, Mason has young men's weekly as well as scouts and Eric has gone on several activities and camp outs with the boys. I new it would be only a matter of time before a calling came along, I never thought it would be this.
After church the second counselor grabbed me and asked if he could talk with Eric and I before we left. I of coarse said sure and immediately began to scan through all of the callings that had been released in the past few weeks, Activities director, Sunday school teacher, Scout leader. Nothing really jumped out. I have held a few callings before as a visiting teacher and enrichment assistant. Callings that I took seriously but have never really felt that I was depended on for teaching the gospel. I looked as these as more of service and helping others, testimony builders.
So when Eric and I were asked if we would teach the CTR class, you could have knocked me right over. So much excitement but so many emotions. I am so very humbled that Heavenly Father feels that I am worthy enough to teach and share the gospel with these special children. I will do my best to share all of my faith and knowledge with them and pray that I can do justice to the teachings of the church.

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