Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I think I see a light...

I was so excited to see President Obama sign the Recovery and Reinvestment Act. What a wonderful way to support the entire country. I hope things will go in the direction they need to go.
Initially I was thinking of it the same as Mr. Bush's bailout plan and was very disturbed and disappointed by it. Dump a bunch of money into bank systems that have been mismanaged and not even hold them accountable for what they are going to fix with it.
With the current budget cuts going on in this state something has to change. I was talking to a friend of mine. Her daughter has significant physical disabilities and needs assistance with EVERY aspect of her life, feeding, personal hygiene, mobility, etc. She receives services during the day and has some funding for respite care, (which she has to pitch in 4 extra dollars an hour to make it a competitive wage.) Yet the state, in there effort to make things work has been having to ask families like this what services they can do without. WHAT SERVICES THEY CAN DO WITHOUT !!! These are people that can barely keep it together with the services they are barely receiving and they are being asked to give up what little they have.
As I began to study this new bill. I was impressed by the accountability that has been built into it. If you go to recovery.gov you can see the ins and out of the bill. Where the money is being spent, accountability timelines etc. The possibility that 15% of all budgets in this state wouldn't have to be cut seems like it might be a good thing. That thousands of jobs could be saved and thousand's more created, would be a great thing. Especially as unemployment creeps to an all time high and every day more and more people are out of work. I think President Obama should be commended for doing his best to make a horrible situation better. Thank you Mr. President.
I pray that there truly is a light at the end of the tunnel and it's not just a train.

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