Sunday, March 29, 2009

As I sat in Sacrament Meeting today I was so grateful to have the opportunity to sit and reflect in the testimonies and strength of the wonderful members of our ward.
I am proud of myself because I used to dread going to Fast and Testimony meeting. Usually I would just stay long enough to take the sacrament and then go home or that would be the weekend we would go see Nana in Mt.Pleasant.
Well, this weekend was an actual go and see Nana weekend but we drove from Mt.Pleasant this morning so we could make it to church by 9:00.(The adventures at Nana's are a post for another day)
Amazingly enough, we made it home and got to church on time. I was so glad that we did we would have missed some incredible testimonies. Several of the teenagers got up to speak and I was so amazed at the youth in our ward. I do not think it is just the our ward though I think it is all youth. I look at my nieces and see what virtuous young women that they are growing into.
I am so emotional these days and as I listened to these young women speak I had tears in my eyes as I thought of Mason. I hope and pray that I will have such an impact on his life that he will be strong in his testimony and faith.
He and I had some really good talks this weekend while in Mt. Pleasant. They were having their Pioneer Days so we got talking about the trials and tests that the early pioneers went through so that we could have what we have today. I was relaying a story to him that came from the Martin-Harris party about a set of sisters who lost their parents while crossing the plains. One of the sisters also ended up having to have both her legs amputated to her knees because of the frostbite she had suffered.
I told Mason I didn't ever think I could have been a pioneer. He said "I couldn't have been a pioneer either." Then he said "You know though I bet none of the pioneers could go through the things that we do now."
Mason seems to be so in tune with the spirit and I know that he is some day going to be such an incredible man. I am so grateful for Eric and his guidance as well as all of the influences he has in his life. We are so very blessed.

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