Friday, March 6, 2009

"In the Cookie of Life Friends are the Chocolate Chips."

I have had the longest week and am soooo glad it is Friday. My Grandmother, Mother, and Mason have flooded the house with the stomach flu. Which I think is absolutely the worst thing in the world to play nursemaid to.
On top of that I have felt horrible and have not been able to figure out quite what was wrong until today. I went to my doctors this morning to follow up on my labs. My Thyroid is freaking out again. I thought we had finally got it leveled out but how wrong I was. A normal level is between .4-4.75 and my level is at 45.5. My doctor said she couldn't believe I was functioning at all.
So on top of that I am starting to get a horrible cold and feel like crap. I was supposed to be making dinner for one of the sisters I visit teach who just had a baby and we were going to visit with her tonight. I made the soup and rolls this morning but have just gotten progressively worse throughout the day. I called Ali my VT companion and unloaded my poor pity party on her. What does she do, not only comes over and picks up my dinner but shows up with a big bag of Chocolate Chip cookies. She is such a sweetheart.
I am so thankful to have such a wonderful companion and new friend in my life. I know Heavenly Father has a purpose in all that he does and I know that he has brought this special person into my life for a reason. She makes the greatest cookies (:

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