Monday, April 13, 2009

Things that make me go hmmm....

I went to hang out with my sister and some friends today. There were so many random things that I learned I need to empty my head.

Did you know you have to be 18 to make a purchase at Costco? Kind of strange, my niece found this out the hard way.

I am on the road so much that I do not notice billboards unless they are new.

Rick Springfield was much cuter when I was 15. But I still may be up for driving 5 hours to go and see him in concert in St. George.

There are some really strange rules in rehab. You have to be on a "good" level to go to church.

People that break the HOV lane rules really make me mad!!! I want to find a way to be all "Citizens Arrest" on them like Gomer on the Andy Griffith Show.

Nothing is better then a manicure, except maybe a pedicure.

When listening to "Pink" you brain will self edit an un-edited song.

The soap in the bathroom's at church stinks in all the Ward houses, not just mine.

Children are almost always better behaved when they are not with their parents. Parents never believe it unless there is a witness.

Brittney Spears can make The PussyCat Dolls look conservative, that must be quite the concert.

Teenagers think it's funny when an adult says "Trippy" but are annoyed when you do not understand their "Text" talk.

A day hanging out with friends just chatting about anything that comes up into converation is almost always a day well spent.

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