Sunday, June 21, 2009

Anyone can be a father, it takes someone special to be a dad...

Each day as I have the opportunity to watch the love between my son and his father I cannot help but thank Heavenly Father for the wonderful man that my son can call his Dad. Two years ago I was able to witness the strength of my husband and the love that he has for his son.
It was the day after Father's Day and it seemed no different then normal. I had got up and went to the gym, not realizing that my phone had been ringing and ringing and ringing. When I returned home I turned on the news and began to get ready for work. There was a story on about a bear attack that had occurred up American Fork Canyon and a boy from the area had been killed. I remember thinking how awful but not much more about it. I went in and told Mason bye and headed to work. I was about 30 minutes into my commute when a friend called. She said " Jen, did you watch the news this morning." I told her I had briefly but asked why. She said that the little boy who had been killed was Mason's best friend, Sam. She told me Sam's grandmother had been trying to call me all morning because she wanted me to know before we heard it on the news. I thanked her for calling and immediately called Eric to tell him. I remember crying and asking Eric how we were possibly going to tell Mason what had happened. I pulled off the next exit and stopped my car for a moment. I prayed, I prayed for Sam, I prayed for Mason, and I prayed to have the strength and guidance to get through these next few hours. As I drove home I had such a burning pit in my heart, I could barely breath. I never imagined having to deal with something like this. Every time I thought of those sweet boys it made my heart ache even more. No eleven year old boy should ever have to experience the loss of his best friend. But this was really happening. As I walked into our house, I saw Eric sitting by Mason with his arm around him. Eric had told Mason what had happened. Mason stood up and ran to me and sobbed. Eric came to both of us, put his arms around us and I could feel his strength. I felt the presence of our Father in Heaven at that moment and new that Eric was going to be there to hold us both up during this difficult time.
I am so thankful for Eric, my friend, my love and the father of my son. I am thankful for all of the strong father figures I have had in my life. And most of all I am thankful for my father in Heaven who loves and cherishes me because I am one of his many children.
Happy Father's Day to
all of those incredible
Dad's in my life.
I love you all!!!

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