Thursday, June 25, 2009

Welcome Baby Boy....

We welcomed a new little man into our family today. My little brother Mike and his wife Brittney had there third little one. When I got to the hospital I asked little Mike who that was and he said "He's a Stanton." Yes he is, dimples and all. I am very happy for them that they have a happy, healthy, little one.

I am in shock at the new technology they have developed in the last 13 years, even in the last two years. They actually tag your baby with a sensor so that if someone walks past a certain area or cuts the band alarms start to sound. Little Mikey was interested to see what would happen and I was as well but we decided we better not chance it.

I am so thankful today that I have such an amazing family. As brothers and sisters we all have our own families and separate lives but we want to share those memorable and meaningful times with one another. We share the best and the worst times together and we are very blessed that the best outweighs the worst and we are there for one another through it all.

Congatulations Mike, Britt, Mikey and Avery
and Happy Birthday Baby Boy Stanton !!!

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