Saturday, July 4, 2009

To Serve....

My reality is flexible.What seems foreign and odd one day, becomes normal the next.The unthinkable of yesterday becomes today's way of life.No longer is anything shocking. No longer is anything appalling. No longer is anything gut wrenching.
Such is the meaning of service.
The protester on the streets speaks of degradation and oppression. He speaks of how he loves his nation and abhors what it has become. All the while, he is setting ablaze the flag he claims to love.
It is he whom I serve.
The politician works to make an impact on society. Whether driven by ambition or idealism, his power and influence grow. He may have never seen hardship. He may have never seen true oppression. Nevertheless, he makes decisions that affect the entire nation.
It is he whom I serve.
The single mother struggles and strives to provide a future for her children. Putting all personal wants aside, she only cares for the future of her young.She only cares that despite her financial position, her children will grow up to know happiness, security and love.

It is she whom I serve.
My family gives me purpose and the strength to push forward. I pray my children will never need to see war with their own eyes. I pray they never need to become calloused to death and violence. I pray their home is always safe. I pray that wolves are always kept at a distance. I pray they grow to enjoy the same freedoms I have.
It is they whom I serve.
God above gave me life that I may do His will. It is He who ordained me a soldier and prepared me for battle. It is He who gives me countless blessings, even when I am unworthy. It is He who gives me purpose and direction.
It is He whom I serve.
How is service rewarded? How should service be rewarded? Gratitude should come without reward, lest the motive for service become impure.The servant only wishes that the flag of a grateful nation be draped over his remains when he passes. there is no greater honor for a fallen servant.
It is for this I serve.
Sgt Vincent King - Iraq 2006
As we spend this day enjoying family and friends. Sharing memories of parades and barbeque's and fireworks may we all keep in our hearts those fearless men and women who have given so much so that we could have our freedoms. Because of their service we enjoy this great nation that we have the privilege to call our home.
Happy Independence Day!!!

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