Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Back on track...

Every year around my birthday I always take the opportunity to look over the year, review what I have accomplished and where I am going to be by next year. Last year at this time my life was in such a sense of turmoil that I didn't even do this self analysis. I let it go and just wandered through the year. Just being thankful I got through the day.
Although I had gotten off track with my educational, and physical goals I realized I have accomplished several other important things throughout this year. I have become a stronger person, my husband and I have become closer and we have become a stronger family unit together. I have learned to be appreciative of what and who I have in my life and have learned to let go of what I cannot control.
With all that being said it is time to get back on track. I have a fortune that has been hanging on my fridge for years. It says "You will acheive your goals if you maintain your course." I just moved it back to where I could see it.
So as I get back on track, which means back to school, and back to the gym. I can only hope and pray that I do not get derailed.
Wish me luck!!!

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