Saturday, September 26, 2009

Random thoughts ... by Jen Jamo

I bought Daisy a new toy today
~It lasted approximately 2 and 1/2 minutes~
One day I will stop buying her toys
Yes, one day

A lady asked me to get something down off a shelf for her at the store today
~I am usually the one asking for help~
Although she was only 4'10" so to her I was tall
I have never been tall to anyone before


Mason came to me this morning and said
~Dad is watching something weird on TV~
I went to see what he was watching.
It was cartoons.
Not much funnier then seeing a grown man
watching Saturday morning cartoons


A soccer ball is like a giant magnetic orb
~That attracts itty bitty children~


Bed Bath and Beyond
~Is like the Black Hole~
It just sucks you in and you have to fight to get out
It's just a big expensive black hole


My niece is obsessed with trees.
~Big Trees~
It's a little strange, but really cute.
She say,"Aunt Jenny look at that tree over there, it's a big tree"
I love how simple life is to children


My baby boy is growing up
I bought him some proactive today
Is it weird to get sentimental over your child getting pimples?
If so I guess I am weird


I am addicted to Mango salsa
I wish they sold it by the gallon
Salmon and Mango salsa
I love it so much it makes me sing when I eat it


Some people think everything is always about them
They really need to get over themselves
It's not about them
It's about me!!!


Oprah drives me nuts
Dr. Phil even more

I have never seen an episode of either show
But am bugged by them both

People have to wait and have a clearance to buy a gun
People have to have a license to drive a car
People should have to have a waiting period before they get a tattoo
and should have to have a license to have children
I do not understand Facebook
I have an account
I chat with my friends
But I don't get it

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