Friday, September 18, 2009

Road Randomness...

What possesses large, over six foot tall men to purchase Mini Coopers?
Is it enjoyable to look like High Tower from Police Academy.

When driving in your car remember that other people can see you picking your nose.
People who wait until the last minute to merge drive me insane.
The lane closed ahead sign isn't a joke- Normally
The flip side is please highway repair people. Please, Please Please
take you signs down when your done with them it is not fun to sit in stopped traffic waiting to merge for no reason, other then Jo worker forgot to turn the sign around.
What kind of person hangs a pair of men's testicles from their trailer hitch?
I have to ask, would you drive your mother around in that car?
Can you imagine that truck being parked in the parking lot at church on Sunday?
I have seen it, I wish I would have had my camera on me.

And the bumper sticker of the week...
If going to church makes you a Christian ~
Does going to the garage make you a car???

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