Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thankful Thursday...

As I parked my car today and was getting all of my stuff together to go inside the Department of Workforce Services. I looked at the women in the car next to me. She was on the telephone, she was upset and crying. As she looked at me, I smiled hoping that maybe that kind gesture would put some glimmer of hope in the sadness she was feeling.
Later this afternoon I could hear a guy yelling at someone. He was being very rude and telling whomever he was talking to that they were stupid and worthless. I walked over to him to see if I could help him. (Really to stop him from talking the way that he was.) It was so upsetting to me to hear someone talk this way that I could only imagine how the person he was talking to felt. I was saddened to see that it was the young women I had seen in the car earlier today.
When she turned to me to tell me that they didn't need any help I noticed that she had a huge black eye and a split and swollen lip. She tried to cover it with her hand but I could still see it. I told her that if she needed anything she could just let me know. She said okay but she was fine.
I didn't know what else to do for her. I felt so helpless that I couldn't just tell her to leave this guy, to run and not look back. But I couldn't it wasn't the right place or the right time.
It struck a cord with me. It made me think about how lucky I have to have Eric at my side. To have a husband who supports me and cares about me. A man who would never hurt me or cause me to feel like I was worthless or stupid. I am so thankful for Eric and the man that he is. I thank Heavenly Father everyday that he is my husband, and my best friend.

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