Friday, November 20, 2009

Last night I dreamt about....

I know saying I am thankful for sleep may sound weird but I am. Many years ago I went to see the doctor, I was exhausted and felt absolutely tired all of the time. I have no problem falling to sleep anywhere, anytime my problem is I wake up really early. I was already being treated for Hashimoto's, so the doctor wanted to do a sleep study to check for apnea. So off I went to the sleep lab. They of coarse discovered what I already knew, right to sleep when my head hits the pillow, awake two or three hours later and I toss or turn the rest of the night. No Apnea, I am just a premature waker. My doctor prescribed me a sleeping pill and she said it would keep me out for at least eight hours. How wrong she was, and even the sustained release didn't cut it, I was lucky to get about 5 hours max. I have gotten used to it over the years and just learned to cope. However, recently I have been dreaming which is the first thing doctors usually ask when you say you have problems sleeping. At least all the doctors I have seen ask, "Do you remember your dreams?" Which I can now say, yes I do remember. It makes me so happy and it makes me so thankful. I am so very happy to wake up and have the clock say 5:00a.m. instead of 1:30a.m. and it sure makes for a better start to the day.

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