Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union....

As I sit here watching President Obama speak about the things that have happened over the past year, I am so thankful. I am thankful we have a leader who has a vision, someone who can see a light at this long dreary tunnel that our country has been lead into. President Obama shows great concern not just for Democrats or Republicans but the country as a whole. As it should be, and it is so refreshing to see.
I realize that there are many people that are so frustrated with the way things are going in this country right now. People are still out of work, jobs are still being lost, homes are still being lost, people are losing their insurance and can't afford medical treatments, prescriptions, it just goes on and on and on.... And yes, people are mad. they are mad at President Obama because he was supposed to make a Change~ RIGHT. Things should be fixed, right here, right now.
Well, I say let's give him a chance. Give him time to make a change. He is trying to dig this country out of eight years of mess. EIGHT YEARS. That is a big hole to get out of and it will take some time. I pray that he will be able to continue to make the changes he needs to. That he will be able to bring our troops home from the wars that they have been sent to fight. Wars that never should have been. That he will be able to find a solution to better and more affordable health care for all. That people will be able to return to work.
So whether you like President Obama or not, whether you voted for him or not, let us support him since he is our president. Let us pray for him that while he is in office that he may help our country regain some of what has been lost. Pray that in three more years we can as a country be in a better place then we are now.

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