Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This blog is open to invited readers only.....

I couldn't believe what I was reading. Intimate details of a young boys life, address, activities, school, etc, etc, etc. Pretty much enough information that any would be pedophile could go right on over to his home and share enough information to get this child comfortable enough to let him in. There has been a lot of talk lately about making sure when blogging about children, that it is done safely and generically enough to keep there anonymity. Not taking picture of addresses', schools, "clues". It is a small world and the blogging world although seemingly big is even more connected and smaller then some realize. I actually came across a picture of my nephew standing in front of his school with a group of friends, on a friend of a friends blog. Small, small world.
Now this blog had posts from Mom, but it also had posts from the 13 year old boy. I was so shocked because, along his blog were links to all of his brothers and sisters blogs, open for all invited readers to see. All of these blogs were written in the same tone, details everywhere. Then I noticed Mom's blog, which interestingly enough was private.

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