Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I dont care about your farm, or your fish, or your park, or your mafia!!!


Disclaimer: I mean no offense to anyone who plays these games. I am sure that they are enjoyable if you like that sort of thing. I just happen to not like that sort of thing.

One of my friends recently had to shut down her Internet and only uses facebook at work because her husband had become so addicted to several of these games. She said he had gotten so involved he would spend hours doing nothing but playing Farmville, and Mafia.
My cousin finally gave up her Mafia account because she was sick of having to sift through all of the requests and notices to see anything that was written from her friends or family. She ended up deleting over 300 friend contacts that were just strictly Mafia contacts.
I have gotten requests to help build a barn, or find a lost cat, so on and so on.Which I just politely decline. I don't get these games. they seem so juvenile, like such a waste of time. I don't know who said it but I love the statement that

"Simple things entertain simple minds"
That's what I see when I look at these games. "Thanks for the feather, Yay I have a nail for my barn, I found a yellow cat."
What really got me on this soap box was a story I heard on the radio last night. A women called in because she just didn't know what to do with her husband. She said that on Sunday. She had made a beautiful, romantic setting in there bedroom, candles, roses, music, etc.
They had started to cuddle and snuggle on the bed when he suddenly jumped up, ran out of the room, and to there office. She followed him to find him, on facebook, feeding his crops. This poor wife wondered what she should do. She was instructed to have him seek help.
Yes I think a little help would probably do this guy some good. I think it's about time for that good old boy to leave the farm.

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