Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday...

I realized it may sound a little weird but I am really thankful for the forum of facebook. I do not use facebook to play those goofy farm or fish or mafia games. (Nothing against those of you who do, I just do not get them.) I am able to talk daily or almost daily to friends I wouldn't have talked to in years. I have reconnected with people I haven't seen since high school and have rekindled many old friendships. Life is just so busy and I would talk to very few of these people if it weren't for facebook.

That is just my friends. My family it has done even more for. Well on facebook we have been able to connect even more. My cousins that we see at reunion time, funerals, or weddings. I talk to several times a week. We share or lives, good and bad. I love it. When I got back on facebook on Monday night after the funeral there where messages back and forth from all of my family. Everyone of them commenting on the same things I was talking about on a previous post. the strength and love of our family.

I know it is so weird to be thankful for facebook but I am. I am thankful it has brought friends much closer. It has made family much stronger. It has made me not miss the hole left by my husbands family.His family has closed us out but so many others have let us in and I am so thankful for that.

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