Tuesday, February 2, 2010

To glorious reunions...

Today was a day that has been a long time coming. My grandmother's older sister, after a long struggle finally gave up her fight and returned to live with Heavenly Father.
I call my grandmother every morning to check on her and make sure she is okay. This morning she told me that she didn't think Aunt Amoir was doing well and hoped she would be able to visit her one more time. However, that wasn't to be.
I had been thinking about my Aunt quite a bit lately. I haven't gone to see her since she has been in the care center. I guess this is part of my own defense mechanism but I want to remember her as the strong women she once was. Not the frail, shell of a person she had turned into.
My Aunt was the Mayor of the little town she lived in for 12 years, she was so proud of her town and so proud all that she did for it. She taught me so much about standing up for what you believe in, she taught me so much about many things. One of my earliest memories of her was her teaching me how to sweep. I know it is kind of random but I remember spending many days helping her sweep up in their store. That is how I got to know my Aunt Amoir.It is sometimes amazing to me the memories that emotions can recall.
I knew when I saw my caller ID this afternoon that Aunt Amoir was gone. I just had this feeling. My grandmother was so upset but I reminded her of the fact that Aunt Amoir wasn't suffering anymore. She was back with Uncle Verge her husband, and her parents, and her brothers and Kristen my cousin, Amoir's grandaughter, who was killed by a drunk driver far to young, and my Papa and so many, many more. I reminded her of that wonderful reunion that was taking place that very moment. I reminded her that although we were going to miss her that we too would have that glorious reunion again one day as well. I hope that brought her some peace. I think that brought her some peace.

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