Friday, February 5, 2010

Nice manners babe....

Guido and I were waiting our turn in line at the drive up pharmacy window this afternoon. I was wiping off my dashboard and the steering wheel of my car when I accidentally honked the car horn. I waved an "oops, sorry" wave to the mini van in front of me, but then accidentally did it again. Guido yelled a sorry out the window and I waved again.
However, as the van began pulled away in front of us. We saw a boy around Guido's age lean out the back window and yell, " Why don't you hurry up A**H***" with a nice finger gesture thrown in. I again mouthed I am sorry.
Guido was shocked and I was as well. Had I not been waiting in line for 15 minutes I would have followed her until I could have apologized in person. I cannot believe that one a mother would allow their child to yell at a stranger and two flip said person off.
I know that the honking was rude, but it was an accident. I apologized as best as I could. Maybe I should have walked up to her car window and said sorry, but I certainly don't think it justified being sworn at or flipped off by her child.
I love the bumper sticker that says:
"Big mean people raise little mean people"
Sometimes I wish I had a stack I could carry around in my car and distribute as needed. Some people might get it some people might not. I have a feeling though that this lady probably would have been a not.

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