Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Aunt Amoir...

As we were driving home this evening Guido said, "Heavenly Father made this day sunny and pretty just for Aunt Amoir. She was a wonderful person and he wanted people to be happy that she is in heaven and not hurting anymore.I sure am going to miss her." He went on to say, " I wasn't sad. I only cried when I saw you crying mom. But I noticed you were smiling so I knew you were happy not sad. You were remembering some happy times weren't you?"
I am so lucky to have this boy in my life. He is so observant and and such a sensitive kid.
After the casket was closed and the family began to walk into the chapel, I felt such a sense of strength, such a sense of family. When we walked into the chapel the family started at the pulpit and took up every row clear back to the back of the chapel. Their was such of peace in the chapel, everyone could feel the spirit in the air.
Aunt Amoir was such a loved lady. She had so many people come to pay their respects to her. It was a beautiful service and the city payed a great honor with a police escort to the cemetery, with traffic stopped for her.
It was such a beautiful day. We all as a large family went back to the church for a wonderful luncheon. I was thanking the Relief Society president and she commented on my Aunt Amoir and how much she loved her. She then said she always heard Amoir talk about this great family, she had even met several of us from time to time. But she had never, ever, in all of her years seen a family so close and so loving. I thanked her again both for the lunch and the compliment.
As I turned and looked across the room, the tears came once again to my eyes. I realized it was pretty amazing. My 2nd cousin, who is fairly close in age, put his arm around me. I looked over at him, and with tears in his eyes, he said, "I was thinking the same thing." There in that room was 5 generations Brothers and Sisters, Aunts and Uncles, Cousins, Grandchildren. All together, all loving one another. All there supporting and caring and sharing in the memories of a beautiful women.

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