Thursday, April 29, 2010

300 words for my 300th post.....

Okay so maybe it's more then 300 but I thought it was a catchy title. I just answered a little random Q&A that includes some thoughts and minutia that I babble about on a daily basis. *Who was the last person to call you babe? A support coordinator from the state I work with. She also uses sweetie, honey, and love. It makes me insane. It is about as bad as if you were to call me Jenny.
* When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Always. It drives me crazy when people so not.
*If you had to kiss the last person you kissed, would you?Of Coarse!!!My husband would be sad if I didn't.
*Has someone ever sang a song to you? Yes.
* Do you play Sudoku? Yes, along with reading garbage magazines it is my favorite thing to do by the pool. By garbage magazines I mean those, whose dating who, whose divorcing who, so get your mind out of the gutter.
*If abandoned alone in the wilderness would you survive? I imagine I could. I have seen enough examples of what not to do.
* Have you danced in the rain? Yes
*Would you consider yourself a jock/prep/goth/emo/gangster? Nope, I consider myself an independent.
* Ever been to the beach? I have been on the beach for 6 days straight. So yes I have been to the beach.
* Do you like cheese? Not all of them. My favorites are Swiss and Havarti.
* Have you ever been to the emergency room? A few times.
* Do you like hot or cold weather more? The hotter the better. I think in a past life I may have been a lizard.
* How many different kinds of meat have you eaten? All kinds of fish, shrimp, snails, shellfish, squid, eel, octopus, beef, lamb,ostrich, chicken, duck, turkey, pork, buffalo, deer, elk, pheasant. The end. I think that covers them all. Most of them I will never eat again.
* Do you pass gas and blame it on others? People do that???
* Do you like winter? As long as it knows it is only supposed to stay for the holidays.
* Have you wiped a booger under your desk? Gross...get a Kleenex!!!
* Do you have a secret crush? No,my husband knows about all of my crushes.
* If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you would do? Get my family and my dog out.
* Would you get plastic surgery? Not for cosmetic reasons.
*Who do you text the most? Kim,Tina and ofcoarse Guido who seems to think he needs to text me from his bedroom to see if dinner is ready.
* What color are your eyes? brown
* How tall are you? 5'6"
* Do you wish you had smaller feet? No, I like my big size 10 feet. It allows me to find really cute shoes for great prices because I don't have a common size.
*Has a rumor been spread about you? Afraid so.
* Have you written a secret admirer letter? Only to be funny.
* Ever fallen for your best friend? Yes, then the first time we kissed it was like kissing my brother. Gross!!! We became friends again and still are to this day.
* Are you insecure about your weight? No I am not. I feel that my weight is what it is. I can out run and out exercise many skinny people I know. I will be in my 6th and 7th 5K's next month. Not too bad for a fat girl.
* Would you rather give or receive? I wish I had more to give.
* Do you prefer to sleep or eat? Defiantly Sleep.
* Do you look like your mom or dad? A little of both
* How long does it take you in the shower? Depends on how much time I have.
* Do you watch reality TV? If you mean VHI/MTV reality-No, TLC/Travel reality-yes.
* What movie do you want to see right now? Well, I have a date with my little brother, and best friend to go see Nightmare on Elm Street, but it's not about the movie as much as it is nostalgic.
* Do you illegally burn music? No, once you start copying it isn't that illegal?
* What did you do for New Years Eve? Slept, I had pneumonia.
* Do you think The Grudge was crappy? It wasn't terrible. But it wasn't great
* Last sporting event attended?My nephews soccer game.
* Have you been to an IMAX theater? Yes, several times.
* Was your mom a cheerleader? No
* Were you a planned pregnancy for your parents? Yes
* What is your middle name? Dawn
* How old was your mom when she gave birth to you? 22
* How many hours of sleep do you get a night? 4-6 Depends on the night
* What do you buy at the Movies? Popcorn, no butter - Cup of Ice
* Do you know how to play poker? Yep.
* Do you wear your seat belt? Always, why would you not?
* What do you wear to sleep?PJ's
* Anything big ever happen in your town? We recently had a house blow up. That's about it.
* Is your hair straight or curly? Very curly
* Is your tongue pierced? Gross
* Do you like Liver and Onions? When I was little I actually loved them until I found out what a liver really did. Now I don't eat red meat at all and the thought of eating liver makes me want to throw up. Onions I can't get enough of, I eat them almost daily.
* What is your favorite sushi? Alaska Rolls
* Do you like funny or serious people better? They have to be serious all of the time please. No humor allowed EVER!!!
* Ever been to Hollywood? Never, no desire to either.
* Who is on your mind right now? My grandmother
* Any plans for tonight? Cake Auction for Young Women's at church
* Last party attended? Retirement party for a friend
* Do you hate chocolate? I don't hate it but I wouldn't die if I never had it again.
* What do you and your parents fight about the most? I don't fight with my parents. However, my mother-in-law thinks she has to fight with me about communicating with my husband. Like I can control who he does or does not talk to. She doesn't want to be part of her own son and grandson's life I guess it's her loss. Not much I can do about it.
* Are you a gullible person? No, unless the person is really good.
* Ever go to a theme or costume party? Yes and I love them. So much fun to play dress-up.
* If you could have any job what would it be? Therapist.
* Are you easy to get along with? Absolutely. I could only count on one hand the people I know about that I really truly don't get along with. Otherwise, I am pretty easy going person.
* What is your favorite time of day? Early in the morning, before the sun comes up and the rest of the world is awake.
* Are you a generally happy person? 99% of the time.
* Would you shave your head if a family member asked you to because they had cancer?Absolutely, I would do anything for anyone in my family.
* What would you do if the doctor told you that you were pregnant? Laugh. But that's what I usually do. Then go into shock. That's what I did.
* Did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologize? No and they probably never will. As they don't recognize that they have done anything wrong. It is all my fault ofcoarse.
* Are you good at hiding your feelings? Yes, but I usually don't.
* Are you wasting your time on someone? Not anymore, I was but I gave it up. I decided it wasn't worth the energy.
* Explain the last time you threw up: It was a few years ago. I was meeting with a Real Estate agent, trying to find an office for a new program at work. I had already stopped two times on the way to meet her to throw up, but didn't have her number to cancel the appointment. So as soon as I met her, I asked her immediately where the bathroom was so I could throw up in there as well. We ended up renting the place.
* Last thing that made you cry: Having all of my in laws ignore my son on his birthday.
* Do you have a bad temper? No but when I get mad, I can get really mad.
* Do you think you'll be married in 10 years? I would hope so.
* How many funerals have you been to in your lifetime? To many, I have been to 5 this year.
* What is your deepest fear? Not reconciling with my husbands family before his parents are gone.
* Do you REALLY love all your family? I love each and everyone of them. But liking them is an entire different story.
* What do you want to believe in? Peace, Love, Faith, Forgiveness
* What's your least favorite vegetable? Okra, just the thought of it makes me dry heave.
* What habit do you have that you wish you didn't have? Wanting to make everything right
* What talent do you wish you had? Any musical ability
* Dogs or cats and why? Dogs, ofcoarse. If you died with a dog in the house the dog would just stay at your side until someone found you or it died. A cat would eat you. Cats are evil.
* What is your fast food guilty pleasure? Iceberg shakes
* Do you care if people hate you? Sure I do. No one wants to be hated.
* Freedom or safety? Freedom. How can one feel safe if they are not free?
* Has a song ever made you cry? Yes. Prayer of the Children
* A book ever made you cry? Many have.
* Is the world crumbling to pieces? Yes, really it physically is.
* Name one moment where you couldn't control your anger: When my MIL, (who has only spent a combined total of about 3-4 days of my sons 14 years of his life with him)said he was spoiled. All because he made a statement that he missed seeing and spending time with his cousins. Boiled my blood immediately.
* Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton? No, gross. Milk is for baby cows and the questions should say "drunk."
* Have you ever won a spelling bee? Yes.
* If you were 12 and you could see yourself now, would you be disappointed? No. I would be shocked and surprised but not disappointed. Human Services is a ways from being an Attorney.
* Favorite cuss word? None, I think they make you sound uneducated.

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