Monday, April 19, 2010

For all I know you could be laying in a ditch somewhere...

My grandmother called me around 10:30 last night. This is rather late for her so I was worried when I saw her number on my phone. I had to smile though because she was just calling to get my permission, or at least that's how she puts it.
About three years ago, she and I got into a bit of an argument. I had been trying to get ahold of her for three days and couldn't reach her. I called my cousins,my uncles, her sisters and everyone I could think of. There was no finding her. I called one of her neighbors in Mt.Pleasant to have him go over to her house and check to see if she was home. She wasn't.
Why do I worry about her so much? Well lets just say, she does things that a women her age probably shouldn't be doing, like climbing ladders to pick apples and apricots in her orchard, getting down in her pond to clear out the muck so her pump will work, standing on the ledge of her cupboard to change her clock, etc. So I worry, I always worried that one day she was going to slip and fall and no one would find her for days. However, since that three day absence, I have called her every morning to check on her and make sure I know what she is up to.
Anyway, finally after three days of calling her cell phone numerous times she called me back.Where was she? Well she had ran off to Wendover, NV with her sisters and not a one of them had bothered to tell anyone where they were going. Now she thought it was funny and had no problem with the fact that I was so upset and worried. I on the other hand gave her a lecture worthy of a stereo-typical how to parent book. After I had calmed down she agreed that maybe one of them should have let us know where they where at. We also agreed we would talk daily on the phone so I knew she wasn't laying in the bottom of her pond or stuck in a tree or on the roof or wherever she may find herself wandering off to...
Back to last nights call, she was really just calling to tell me she was heading to Wendover and wanted to make sure I knew where she was so I wouldn't worry.

1 comment:

The Holmgrens said...

Oh Aunt LaRae and her sisters... They are pretty funny together!

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