Saturday, April 24, 2010

Weekly update with Jenn Jamo....

We had a try to the eye doctor for Nana this week. Her eyes have been doing better, the doctor said surgery worked. Luckily, he requested she have someone drive her to the appointment this time(Good suggestion Doc)
Daughtry - turned me into a screaming teenager. Makes my heart pitter, patter just thinking about it. Guido loved his first real concert experience.
I stayed up way to late chatting with an old friend online(dang technology) and it really sucked for him. He is on the East coast. So 3:00am for him was only 1:00 am for me. Luckily neither of our spouses are the jealous type.
I couldn't have asked for a better teenager. Guido had two choices. Go to dinner with family or hang out with friends, he opted for dinner with family. He said "I'll just go hang with my friends after dinner." What a good boy that he knows family should come first and I didn't even have to lecture him.
On the flip side. I am raising a gore addict. He was given a history assignment in which he could choose the subject. He of coarse didn't chose the typical historical event. He has chosen to report on "Vlad the Impaler" I actually am kind of proud. Although morbid, it also is very creative and shows he likes to think out of the box.
Just added a surprise jaunt to NY City while we are in DC this summer. Since Eric and Guido have never been. That is so crazy to me that someone from New York has never gone to New York City. I guess its kind of like someone from Utah never being on skis or a Californian never surfing or someone from Kansas not being a farmer....

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