Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pirates, Princess' and Pie???

My family always looks for opportunities to get together, make memories and enjoy one anothers company. This week we were able to go and watch Avery perform at her dance recital. It was adorable, and it was so sweet to here Mikey say to his grandpa " Pops Avery did wonderful."
We finally made it to "Pirate Island Pizza" the kids had a great time. Guido was such a good kid. He played with Mikey on the video games and helped the kids win tickets so they could earn there prizes. What a wonderful father he'll be.

Today Nana wanted to meet us for brunch. I was cleaning out my purse looking for a receipt. For some odd reason I had Guido's Rubik's cube in there. I sat it on the table and there it sat for awhile. After we where done eating we were sitting and waiting on the check when the hostess ran up and grabbed the cube. She looked at Guido and said" Oh my gosh is this yours?" He said "Yes." She asked if he could solve it. He laughed, handed it to her and told her to scramble it. I went to pay the check but when I got back she was standing there in awe she said "Okay, Okay if you solve this in under 2 minutes I will give you any pie of your choice." Now at this point about half of the restaurant is watching, people are standing around our table in a circle to see. Guido hands her the cube to scramble. Eric begins the time, as Guido starts. He finishes at 1:02, not his best time of 35 seconds but we got to go home with a free French Silk pie!!!

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