Saturday, May 22, 2010

Weekly update with Jenn Jam...

It is so amazing what eight hours of uninteruppted sleep will do to cure a fifty-five hour work week.

My Brother-in-law's first published book The Hidden Sun was released this week. Congratulations Jason!!!

One of the best birthday presents you can give a person is a surpise. This week we gave my Mom a doozie. I promise to post details later.

My neice is such an incredible skater, even though I watch her through my fingers. I believe one day we will be watching her on the Olympics. But then I am biased.

I am excited for the Ballet tonight, although I am not excited to see the season end.

After suffering for two weeks with bought of what feels like Gallbladder attack (although I have no gall-bladder) my doctor has decided she wants a photo shoot of my insides. I told her "No thank you", she has me scheduled for next week.

My sweet husband blew a tire on our all-wheel drive car. Usually we have to replace all four tires, but since our tires are relatively new, we only needed the one. Easy enough you would think. Except that the brand had to be the exact same and the line had been discontinued. little brother searched high and low and found a tire, one model tire left, in Louisina.

There tire is on route as we speak.

Looking forward to next weeks crazy business... Graduations, and pictures of my insides it should be a blast.

1 comment:

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

I love the quote on your header. One of my favorites. I stopped by from MMB.

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