Friday, May 28, 2010

Weekly update with Jenn Jam...

This week we have had sun and snow. It is funny how people complain about the cold yet the same people will be complaining about the heat come the beginning of August. I figure you get what you get, so just appreciate it for what it is.

I had the first of my tests this week. They made me drink 2 bottles of berry flavored barium. Which, for those that don't know, is about the consistency of watery yogurt. Then I thought the tech was going to pass out when I told him he could only put the contrast needle in my hand. He said "He didn't know how." I told him he better find someone that did then. But he figured it out really quick. He ended up putting it in my wrist though because all my veins in the backs of my hands already had been used in the past week.

Memorial Day is one of my favorite holidays. It brings back so many memories for me. I remember going to visit Arlington National Cemetery as a child. What an impact that always has made on me, it has always instilled in me such a sense of patriotism. I cannot wait to take Guido there this summer. I hope that he will have the same experience I did.

I got a lecture from a 14 year old today. Jokingly I asked him what his Mom does when he acts "Bratty" like Guido was acting to me. He proceeded to tell me that his mother would never call him a brat and that he couldn't believe that I was saying that and on and on and on. WOW!!! I explained I was not calling Guido a brat, I was calling his actions bratty. Little brat!!!

I had to laugh at my Grandmother. We were headed to my nieces graduation, and had gotten in the wrong lane. No one would let us over, so I signaled and waited for the light to change. As soon as the light changed she said, "Punch it Jenny." Which is so very out of character for her. It cracked me right up though.

My refrigerator has been stocked with Popsicles. The cupboards are stocked with crackers, pretzels, and fruit snacks. Season swim pass purchased, Seven Peaks pass purchased, Bees Season tickets, Summer has begun!!!!

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